As anyone that has been following things here may have noticed, the design of the website changed yesterday. The original page layout was buggin’ me a bit, so I played around with a new design. I like this one much better. The Status Box is up at the top of the page now, so it’s easier to see when the page is loaded. It also makes things like, well, like that oversized comic, work much better. I would have had to tweak the comics page template to make that work with the old version, so coming up with a new setup was just as easy. I also opted for a 1024×768 sized layout since after looking at a lot of the stats and things, only 2% of people were using a monitor size smaller than that, so I think I’m safe leaving it this big. After all, if someone with an 800×600 sized screen comes along, the comic is still the first thing they’ll see. So that’s all good.