Just a quick note as I’m majorly tired and need to get something that resembles sleep before Monday really gets going. For all the folks in the U.S., Happy Memorial Day. Or, as we like to call it in Chicago, Meatmorial Day. Hope the guys back in Chi-town have a great Meatstravaganza. Eat a bunch of meat for me.
While my friends are in Chicago gettin’ their meat thing on, I’ll be here in Utah, working on school work, taking pictures, writing papers and generally running around. At least I “have the day off”… whatever that means. ;)
Happy Meatmorial Day
on May 28, 2007Just a quick note as I’m majorly tired and need to get something that resembles sleep before Monday really gets going. For all the folks in the U.S., Happy Memorial Day. Or, as we like to call it in Chicago, Meatmorial Day. Hope the guys back in Chi-town have a great Meatstravaganza. Eat a bunch of meat for me.
While my friends are in Chicago gettin’ their meat thing on, I’ll be here in Utah, working on school work, taking pictures, writing papers and generally running around. At least I “have the day off”… whatever that means. ;)